До церемонии награждения осталось

Интервью с управляющей клиники "Медлайн-Сервис" Абраменко Ириной Николаевной




The international award in the field of beauty and health "Grace" is an annual and most prestigious event in the field of beauty and health in Russia. Among our nominees there are the best and well known cosmetic brands, beauty salons, centers of cosmetic, aesthetic and plastic surgery, anti-age clinics, dental centers, SPA and wellness centers from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.    

Grace Award does its best to present all variety of beauty and health industry and rewards the bests that have achieved excellence in their categories at the most prestigious event in the beauty and health industry calendar.

Voting is cast by beauty and health guests.  Over the past 6 years millions of beauty and health fans from all Russia and The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) flocked to www.grasia-msk.ru website and voted their favorite brands and places, so Grace Award reflects the popular choices of real consumers.

Reception of our award for clinics, medical centers and beauty salons of Russia and CIS countries means, that professionalism of experts-cosmeticians, plastic surgeons, hairdressers, masters of manicure and other employees, qualitative service as skill to give beauty and health – all it notice and clients appreciate.

Gala Ceremony of Grace Award is a bright annual event in the world of professionals of beauty and health industry. Leading experts of the branch, known experts in the field of cosmetology, including from near and far abroad, public organizations in beauty and health sphere, heads of the Russian professional cosmetology and beauty editions, TV channels gather to celebrate winners of Grace Award.


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